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Dhal in keylime Tokyo

Dhal's POP UP STORE will be held for 5 days from 23(Thu) - 27(Mon) May.

dhal is a popular brand based in Nagoya, which is not only known in Aichi Prefecture but also in the Tokai region.

The shop is located in the Higashi and Nishi wards of Nagoya and is a one-of-a-kind space where you can feel the warmth of human feelings at the same time as the sharply honed beauty of the products.

I met Mizutani-san from Dhal about 15 years ago?

Both she and I worked for different companies and we were business partners.

After that, we both became independent, and we showed each other what we had made, made things together, held events together, and she is one of the designers I really respect.

I also consulted with her a lot when I was setting up my shop in Tokyo, and she helped me find the B&O speakers for keylime Tokyo through Mizutani-san.

I wondered if we could use keylime Tokyo to express that Dhal world view.

That's how we organised this event.

Of course we would like you to go to Dhal in Nagoya if you have the chance, but we are sure that there will be expressions at this event that are unique to keylime Tokyo.

We believe in that and create a special event.

We will create a space where you can enjoy the world of Dhal in abundance, including the keylime bandanas that we had made when we opened last year and sold out immediately, so don't miss out.

We look forward to seeing you there.

keylime Tokyo

Jumpei SEKI

keylime Tokyo has been carrying Dhal since its opening in September 2023. Before that, PARKS Paris has also been carrying the brand.

Both shops mainly deal with men's sizes and items, so at this event we will also have sizes and items such as dresses that can be worn by women.

Dhal staff will also be at the shop from 23(Thu) - 26(Sun) May.

We would be happy if you could ask us anything about Dhal.

About the designer Mizutani, fabrics, sizes, production background, styling, etc.

We hope this will be an opportunity for many people to see, wear and feel Dhal's clothes directly.

Dhal staff
