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Hello everyone.

keylim Tokyo is open for business again this week, starting today, Thursday.

Many stores around here are having sales, but at keylime Tokyo, we are not having a sale this season.

We are proud to offer items that we can confidently recommend to our customers, regardless of the season, from the moment we open.

We hope that you will enjoy shopping at our stores while having a chat with our customers.

Of course, we will continue to deliver our Journal and News Letter so that you can enjoy the world of keylime Tokyo on our online store as well, so please keep checking back.

In this week's Journal, we have new items from MATURE HA._MIL_. We are pleased to introduce a new item from MATURE HA._MIL_.

MATURE HA._MIL_. is a Japanese hat brand that has been developing since its opening. The online store mainly offers items made of wool, but we have just received new caps made of fresh material that reflect the season.

First, we will introduce the brand's standard cotton material.

In fact, keylime Tokyo had been offering this item at the time of its opening, but it was very popular and sold out quickly.

Now it is back in stock again, this time with the addition of White, and is available in Navy and two other colors.

MATURE HA._MIL_. MATURE HA._MIL_. hats are characterized by their shallow bulk.

The hat of MATURE HA._MIL_. is characterized by its shallow bulk, which avoids interference with the ears and makes it comfortable to wear.

By the way, MATURE HA._MIL_. is directed by our president, Mr. Seki.

Especially, this Trainer Cap is a product that reflects Seki's pursuit of his own ideal, which is an elegant form, omitting the button element on the top (top of the head) and paying attention to the design of the adjuster's metal fittings.

The lining is also made of mesh material for comfortable use.

The water-repellent finish makes it easy to care for.

This Trainer Cap is made of linen and comes in only one color, Natural.

The natural color of linen makes your summer look cooler.

The lining is cotton fabric.

It is the same color as the outer fabric and has an elegant appearance even when removed from the head.

This one is also made of linen.

The canvas fabric is available in black and navy, and while the linen gives a sense of the season, it also has a slightly heavy feel that betrays the impression of linen, which tends to give a natural impression, in a good way.

This is a washed paper material. It is water-resistant and easy to care for.

The material is roughly woven, so it is light and airy. It is the perfect material for this season.

It is available in three colors: Light Brown, Blown, and Black.

The temperature has been rising considerably, so the Trainer Cap made of wool material has been taken down from the store, but a new light material has arrived, so the store has been updated and made cooler.

If you are interested, please visit our store and try first.

By the way, these products will be available in-store first.

Please wait a little longer for the release in the online store.

However, because there is a limit to the number, if you would like to purchase by mail order, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.

The weather this week is good, and it is likely to continue to be quite hot, whether it coincides with the arrival of such summery items.

Everyone, when you go out, please take good care of your health and take full measures to protect yourself from the sun and replenish water.

We would be very happy if you could come and visit us at keylime Tokyo.

We look forward to seeing you again this week.

keylime Tokyo Kubo
